Integrative Health Coaching Partners (207) 650-1735

Credentials and Certification
What makes Duke Integrative Health Coaching unique?
Grounded in Duke's scientific and evidence-based methodology: Duke Integrative Medicine has pioneered an approach to health care that places the patient at the center and addresses the full range of physical, emotional, mental, social, spiritual, and environmental influences that affect a person's health. This “whole-person” approach makes it possible to address underlying factors that influence one's health, rather than just treating the symptoms of a health condition.

Why choose a National Board Certified Health &
Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC)?
With an explosion of health and wellness coaching programs, it is difficult to determine the expertise and quality of coaches. Without agreed upon standards for the training and practice of health and wellness coaches, the public and healthcare professionals are confused about what to expect from coaches and how they complement other professions. National standards and certification are the first steps in advancing consistent training, education, and assessment of competencies.
The national certification is accelerating the professionalization of this emerging field. Duke's reputable coach training and education programs have joined this endeavor. The national certification allows proficient coaches to stand apart from coaches who have not received adequate coach training or assessment of their coaching skills and knowledge.